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Crossmatch, Blood Products

Test Name:Crossmatch, Blood Products
Epic Order Code:Orderable by requisition only
CPT Code:86920, 86921, 86922
Specimen(s) Type:Plasma, 5.0 mL
Acceptable Container(s):closeup of specimen collection tubespecimen collection tubeTube top is purple (lavender) or pink.
Testing Schedule:24 hours/day, 7 days/week
Turn Around Time:STAT: 1 hour
 Routine: 1 hour
Collection Information:A Hematocrit should be performed prior to ordering. Obtain specimen by standard collection procedures. The specimen must be collected within 72 hours of expected transfusion.
Transport Information:Deliver to lab immediately. All specimens must be signed into the laboratory.
Reference Clients:If unable to deliver to the lab immediately, store and transport specimen at 2-8° C. Specimen must be received in the lab within 48 hours. All specimens drawn as outpatients will be for informational purposes only, not for transfusion.
Causes for Rejection:Improperly labeled, incorrect container, contaminated, insufficient quantity, incorrect/delay in transport, grossly hemolyzed, failure to provide a properly completed Requisition Form and/or a Blood Infusion form.
Reference Range:NA  
Additional Information:Type and Screen must be completed prior to crossmatch testing. Crossmatched blood is held for 72 hours only. Blood cross-matched for a particular patient is automatically released after 72 hours. Transfusion Service's should be notified as soon as it is definitely known that the patient will not need transfusion so that the blood can be used for other patients.
 In the special circumstances of outpatient surgery: If the patient has been asked and found to have a negative history of blood transfusions or pregnancy within the last three months, the specimen can be used for crossmatching for up to two weeks prior to the anticipated date of transfusion. In cases of previous positive antibody results, another specimen must be submitted the day of surgery for confirmation.
 ** All illegible/mislabeled specimens will be destroyed. There are no exceptions.**